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Walking into DISASTER?! Nay! JOY! |
Apparently the day we arrived back from honeymoon we would be plunged into the pit of despair as toilet seats were left up, I would be transformed spontaneously into a stereotypical nagging wife and we would immediately discover that we didn't really know each other at all and yet were shackled together for life. It was a great relief when we met a couple who had been married forty odd years a week or so before the wedding who, when we relayed the list of horror stories we'd be told, laughed and said. 'No, it'll be amazing. You'll love every minute of being married.' Hurrah for them!
it turns out they were right. There was an ongoing battle (still
raging four years later) over where is a suitable place to leave damp
towels but this was far outweighed by the total joy of living with my
best friend. Of course there were new things to navigate, we worked
out what this huge commitment we had made would mean and sometimes
that lead to moments of frustration but nine times out of ten it lead
to laughter, happiness and sheer thankfulness for the decision we had
here I am on the eve of taking on another commitment that arguably
could be considered as monumentally life changing as marriage. And
just like embarking on a marriage people are very forth coming with
their views about quite what your life is going to look like. A lot
of these have been in the form of the dreaded 'horror story'.
goes a bit like this: It's going to be REALLY hard work, you're
freedom will be curtailed as you are FORCED into living in the
college community, you will go from 'important person' in your
workplace to 'church minion' in the blink of an eye, they will
deconstruct you, three years will be PAINFULLY long and at the end of
all this the post-ordination training will be SO HARD and you will
just cry and cry and cry (ok, I added that last bit).
I announced to all the naysayers before my wedding that actually I
was quite excited about living with Ben (I had been living out one
room for as long as I could remember, had never really had my own
home and was desperately excited about it) they would look at me with
a mixture of shock and 'We'll see'. it's much the same when I say I'm
excited about college. But I AM excited and surely that will be a
better way to go into the whole experience than negatively? I'm doing
my reading, I'm thinking through what the challenges will be (a bit
like the marriage prep we did before our wedding) but I'm staying
excited about the hard work. Odd perhaps but I can't remember the
last time I spent my days doing something that I found challenging.
I'm already a bonafide minion at work so there isn't likely to be
some dramatic fall in status for me to cope with. Much as I wanted to
throw my lot in with Ben when we married I actively want to be part
of the community at college. I'm happy to hand my fate (and the hours
in my day) over to the course and to let that shape me. I feel as
lucky as I did walking up the aisle to be embarking on a course where
some of the greatest minds in the world share their knowledge and at
a college that has shaped some truly remarkable people.
I'm sticking with positive, determined to be flexible, joyful and
accepting of what comes, and saying to the naysayer, 'Nay! I'm going
to have a GREAT time.'
And you will, Nicola! With an attitude like that you'll really get the best of college and I'm betting you will love the challenge. Speaking as someone else who only lived with her husband once the rings were on our fingers, I really enjoyed the first year of marriage as I have enjoyed the 43 which have followed it. :-) Stick to your guns and ignore the doom-sayers.
ReplyDeleteWill do Perpetua! Thanks as always for the encouragement!
DeleteHello Nicola- tried to send a message by Contact mebut it wouldn't let me. just wanted to say hello from soneone who has just spent 2 years at Cuddesdon- I'm about to leave for curacy. Hope you love it as much as I have. If you are interested in waht life is like here you can read my blog at
Jante, your blog is a gold mine for me!!! Thanks so much for getting in touch! I'm really looking forward to it. Will be there for three years starting September :)